Service Fee : र 750
Finding Subha muhurtham for marriages or other important events is a factor in its fruitfulness or success. The chance of getting successful in that event will be higher if it is conducted at the auspicious time of the day, Subha muhurtham. The lunar day, nakshatra, yoga. Karana and the weekday are the deciding factors of muhurtham. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no doshas present. The position of planets and nakshatras will be favourable at the Subha muhuratham. It is always preferable to find the auspicious time to conduct the events of great importance in life.
Muhurtham is important in
Selecting Subha muhurtham for marriages will help you to harmonize your forces with nature and improve your chance of getting a happy married life.
Starting life in a new home should be at an auspicious time. The time in which the planets in the sky will make favourable effects on human beings
Subha muhurtham will support the success of any function through the celestial bodies in the sky